Monday, December 13, 2010

Paco Pad recovery and Fryxell attack at Dawn

Today was rather exciting. Flow was dismal and wet or I guess I found out that my boots aren't waterproof. We started out by flying from Lake Hoare to Bonney lake to guage Priscu and Lawson streams. After being picked up we checked out Bonney camp and noticed that all of their tents had been destroyed in the winds from the last couple of days. Our pilot noticed that one of their sleeping pads was blown across the lake. They had forgot about it while fixing and retrieving their tents. After a brief discussion on proper sleeping pad storage, and how not to lose a Paco Pad (found on the internet here) we landed to grab the pad and return it to them. Oh what a gale must have blown in and taken us back to our F6 base just in time before we could phone the Limno team to let them know about our confiscation of ill kept material. For those who don't know what a paco pad is, all I can say is that it is a 200 dollar cloud of a camping pad. Imagine a crate of baby penguins being smothered by a pallet of baby geese all topped off by a barrel of baby rabbits. Then jump on top and fall asleep. This does not even come close to painting the picture of how comfortable these pads are. This is not the reason however for our commandeering of the pad. It was the wind.

As far as camp Fryxell across the lake from us is concerned. It is all out war. They have stolen our ATV for the last time. We attack at dawn when the sun is at about where it is all day...And they have our juice boxes and beer that was accidentally delivered there....


  1. In Saudi they were called Shamals Sand storms sp? would take the paint off the dad

  2. Forgot to say.....much warmer.....

  3. Dont forget the black under the eye on the ATV capture. (and the Beer)

  4. Steve, try and smuggle one of those pads home for me.... sounds oh so lovely!
    Love, Aunt Cindy

  5. looked up the pad on the internet....looks like a must have for camping. Ethan got a cot which although heavy does the same thing if you have an 18 wheeler to bring your stuff in.

  6. not really ethan on the last comment....G crisp, will get it right some dad....have a good holiday.....notice i did not say Christmas.....sick and tired of bullshit about how we call X=mas.....pick up another dead seal for my coat.....

  7. Where is posts for awhile??? did you get your beer and apple juice and ATV back from the Survivor tribe from across the lake? no distruction of camp pictures?
