So I am on the ice now but before I begin, I am going to add in some notes I have not in a while. Lets go back in time shall we?
Night of the 21st
Grinding my gears. So odd happenings down under. First off WTF. I try to avoid people at all costs. I am walking down the sidewalk minding my own when all of a sudden I am square dancing with the person in front of me trying to get out of each others way. Then I notice shortly after as I view from afar the preemptive analysis of the homo sapien walking at me. They move to their left far before I see them consciously. They walk like they drive, ON THE WRONG SIDE!And if that isn't bad enough, good luck conditioning your brain with enough foresight into anticipating from which direction a car will hit you! Normally one would look to the left first for oncoming traffic then right for the more distant metal. There however, everything is backward. I have trouble remembering even which way to look if I was back in the land of the free. So many mini cars(puny, american cars are bigger than their trucks...Mur'Ka!) bikes, one way streets, do not walk signs, give way instead of yield, virtually non existent sidewalk crossing zones. Just to name a few. Thank god I don't do anything quicker than a slight canter here.
Next hot sauce. I had to go out to a specialty asian shop just to taste my god damned food! And I don't want to talk about ketchup again. An issue though that shouldn't be one and that still makes me wonder why this city is so clean is trash cans. Every home has a red yellow and green trash recepticle for regular trash, reclycling, etc. but nowhere on the street is there a damn trash can. I stopped in this Asian 7-11 which is pretty much all they have.( It is a 7-11 but with shittier asian food but the same asian behind the counter) For some taquitoes or hot dogs as I was looking for a climbing gym. Lo and behold in the place of my two favorite Mur'Kan foods, they have fish and chips and pot pies! Every stinkin one of em'. So I got a mince meat pie which I have no idea whats in it and I am not going to ask until I get one that doesn't taste awesome. So I am walking around with an empty paper bag after I finish for the rest of my two hour adventure looking through ghetto downtown christchurch for a damn trash can. This is also partly due to every 3rd street being named and me getting lost and running into the rugby 2011 world cup stadium.
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