Monday, February 7, 2011

Wonderful overload on senses

Warm humid air rushing through the plane. Light is no longer visible from the outside. My first step out. Darkness, and dampness. It is lightly raining. Smells. Smells no longer from the bathroom or cafeteria of which both smell the same. The shuttle back was a trip through reality. Slapping me in the face and waking me up from a societal dissaperance. Only to return. But New Zealand is not normal US society. Enough pretentious BS though, because I am certainly happy.

Today I saw my first flower and hugged my first tree. I also saw one dog. A border collie. He was trapped in a Land Rover. I tried to talk to him. He barked very loud. Kinda of upsetting, but when I come across a nicer dog I pity the human accompanying it. Rolling through the itchy grass. Picking leaves of of trees. Sensational. Warmth and sunlight upon my skin for the first time in Months.

Orange juice. Orange juice. I had 8 glasses of Orange juice this morning, and it was not nearly satiating to the thirst I have developed drinking watered down Raro or Tang. I love Orange Juice.

Off to buy cheap tents and sleeping bags and begin the Journey to the West coast of mountains, trees, and hot springs. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you have been in prison!! trees, blue sky, dogs, grass, and orange juice... the simple things of life.. hmmmm
