Monday, February 28, 2011

Au Revoir Shoshana

28th Feb 11'

I am finally leaving NZ. Last night I departed my dear friend Adaleine jusqu'à ce que nous nous reverrons à Paris! Spending the last couple of days with her, made me realize I speak a lot more French then I thought. Now just to translate the underwater mumbling I hear that is the French Language being spoken to me. Au Revoir Shoshana! 
I left the horribly boring industrial city of Invercargill (Pop. 50,000) for the airport in Christchurch today. 8 hours later I finally arrived. The complete and devastating wreck that claimed the heart of CHC has wide spread effects. Most stores are out of water, toilets are not to be used ie. "if it is yellow let it mellow". Worst, every Hostel/backpackers/Motel Hotel Holiday inn is completely full for as far as I am willing to pay for a taxi. So last night I joined the elite group of airport sleepers! I have always wondered what happened to people that got stuck at airports overnight. I had to carry my guitar and pack at least 15 minutes before I found a "Kosher" place to sleep. There must have been a few hundred people sleeping there. Oddly however, they are all like me and have sleeping bags prepared. Maybe they couldn't find space in a hostel, maybe they know airports are free roof's with television. Regardless the lights are constant, which shouldn't be a problem from Antarctica, TV's always shouting, people always shuffling by and every 15 minutes, NZ's safety administration has to remind me to stay with my bags. Say Goodnight Dick.

p.s. if there is confusion with the timing of this, it was taken out of the journal from last night, and I am writing it across the street so it is confusing for me to write it in the future past prefix adjective participle thing. 

p.p.s.s.p.s.Q? After being woken up by a nice lady telling me to wake up because it is about to get real busy in here, I found out that there were about 10 aftershocks last night, the biggest being about 3.6 on the Richter scale. I don't feel a thing. That is probably for the best. 

Cheers! Internet is too expensive to post pictures. Will do so in a conclusion.

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