Friday, February 4, 2011

Rene Witte

So on Couchsurfing I had a request sent to me from a dude in Germany. He asked that I write "Jarina, Antarctica is waiting" Somewhere and send it to him for his girlfriends birfday. I figured I was in the middle of nowhere and everything was around me, so I did.This is what I wrote...

The wind always whispering,
Sometimes howling
Singing a song from far away

The streams gently flowing
Sometimes raging
Delivering no more than the pureness of age

The turquoise glaciers in suspended animation
In time will complete the same paths as the streams
Carved by all of natures forces
Sans rain

These valleys hold time hostage
Awaiting nothing new

Jarina, Antarctica is waiting

At Lake Vanda

At one of my many secret spots

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